Epsom Salt: Health & Beauty Recipes

Believe it or not, Epsom salt may be able to solve all of our beauty problems! Well, ok, not all of them, but it is an inexpensive, go-to ingredient for many home spa treatment recipes.

Epsom salt, which consists of magnesium sulfate, is something most of us associate with our grandparents’ medicine cabinet. But in fact, it can be used to improve the beauty of your skin and help you relax at the same time. In addition to adding it to your beautifying home spa treatment recipes, Epsom salt can also help soothe muscle aches and pains. For information on epsom salt, go to this blog post.

Here are some quick, easy ways to beautify yourself and create your own home spa treatments using Epsom salt, so, pick your 'poison' and go have some fun!


1.  Microdermabrasion Facial

It sounds tricky, but is super easy.  Simply mix 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom salt into your regular cleansing cream for a deep pore cleansing. Massage on skin. Rinse with cool water, then pat dry. This will give you luminous good skin and make your face shine.

2.  Foot Soak

A home spa treatment for a soothing pedicure using Epsom salt is sure to give your feet a treat. Dissolve 1/2 cup of Epsom salt into 2 quarts of warm water. Pour the water into a container and soak your bare feet for 15-20 minutes. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil for a refreshing scent. Massage the entire foot with Epsom salt, concentrating on the heels and ankles to remove any dry, rough spots. Then, rinse your feet off with clean tap water and dry them thoroughly. Your toes will thank you!

*This relieves athlete's foot

3.  Relax / Soak

After a long week or intense workout you need a break. Draw a bath and add 2 cups of Epsom salt. Dim the lights, light up a couple candles, and turn on your theme song while you soak for 10-15 minutes. This home spa treatment recipe will help you flush toxins and reduce inflammation, while helping to relieve sore muscles. Treat yourself to this relaxing soak three times a week.

4.  Easy Facial Mask

Mix together a tablespoon each of Epsom salt, honey and olive oil (for oily skin add a few drops of lemon juice). Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse in a warm shower to wash away any impurities that have been drawn out from the Epsom salt. Moisturize with your favorite lotion.

5.  Exfoliation 

To make your skin glow, use Epsom salt to create a home spa treatment recipe that exfoliates your entire body by mixing 2 cups of Epsom Salt with 1/4 cup of petroleum jelly* and a few drops of lavender essential oil. Use the mixture to gently scrub away dry skin patches and smooth and exfoliate your skin.

*may substitute olive oil for petroleum jelly but not in the same quantity

6.  Natural Hair Volumizer

Combine equal parts warm conditioner and Epsom salt. Work the mixture through your hair and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse and style.

7.  Pedicure

Mix 1/2 cup of Epsom salt with warm, soapy water. Soak feet to soften skin. Remove polish, cut and file nails and calluses.Soak feet in an Epsom salt bath for 5 minutes. Rinse feet in clean water, dry and moisturize with a few drops of olive oil.

8.  Sore Muscles & Splinters

  1. Make compresses by soaking a cotton washcloth in cold water that has been mixed with Epsom salt (2 tablespoons per cup), then apply to the skin.
  2. Create a paste to apply to the skin by adding a teaspoon of Epsom salt to about a cup of hot water until it dissolves, then chill the solution in the fridge for 20 minutes. Note: Clean the skin and pat dry before applying the paste.
  3. Take an Epsom salt bath, by adding 2 cups of Epsom salt to the water in a standard-sized bathtub and soaking for at least 12 minutes. The Epsom salt will dissolve quicker if you put it under the running water.

9.  Summer Ailments

For mosquito bites, bee stings, mild sunburn and poison ivy, make compresses by soaking a cotton washcloth in cold water that has been mixed with Epsom salt (2 tablespoons per cup), then apply to the skin.

Other Benefits:


Athlete’s Foot - Soak feet in an Epsom salt bath to help relieve the symptoms of Athlete’s Foot.

Treat toenail fungus - Soak your affected toes in hot water mixed with a handful of Epsom salt three times a day.

Soothe sprains and bruises - Add 2 cups Epsom salt to a warm bath and soak to reduce the pain and swelling of sprains and bruises.

Ease discomfort of Gout - Ease the discomfort of gout and reduce inflammation by adding 2-3 teaspoons of Epsom salts into a basin and immersing the affected foot/joint. The water should be as hot as it is comfortable. Soak for about 30 minutes.


Dislodge blackheads - Add a teaspoon of Epsom salt and 3 drops iodine into a half cup of boiling water. Apply this mixture to the blackheads with a cotton ball.

Remove foot odor - Mix a half cup of Epsom salt in warm water and soak your feet for 10 minutes to remove bad odor, sooth achy feet, and soften rough skin.

Remove hairspray - Combine 1 gallon of water, 1 cup of lemon juice, and 1 cup Epsom salt. Cover the mixture and let set for 24 hours. The next day, pour the mixture into your dry hair and leave on for 20 minutes before shampooing as normal.


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