DIY: Clip-In Hair Extensions

I made and installed some DIY clip in extensions which I am totally in love with and wanted to share the experience with you! They are super easy and super fun! I am now able to remove my extensions with a snap (no pun intended) and take care of my hair in terms of washing, treating and moisturizing. Thank you YOUTUBE!

Here is  how you may make them for yourself. Enjoy xx

Youtube is just absolutely amazing. Honest. There isn't anything you can think of that isn't on Youtube already! So, thanks to Youtube, here's another DIY that I have just completed.

I just relaxed my hair after about a year and a half hiatus. My hair texture is very "'fine" aka thin! So I usually use a weave to  give my hair body as well as length. But this time I want to keep my hair healthy and protected despite wearing a weave. With clip-ins I can remove them easily, wash, treat and moisturize easily. That is the main reason I have chosen to go the way of clip-ins. Not to mention it is easier on the pocket!

It is pretty easy and all you need are:
  1. Hair Extension (of your choice)
  2. Wig Clips
  3. Needle & Thread
  4. Scissors
  5. Elbow grease *-*

For my Antiguans, wig clips are available from most of the Beauty Supply Stores in St John's. Ayoushee sells them for EC$4.95 per pair (both small and medium are the same price); while Sam's has them for EC$5.75 per pair. (Pricey when you realize the amount of clips you need but much cheaper in the long run with not having to go to a hairdresser).

Here is a clip on how to make your own clip-in hair extensions.

And here is how to install them!

You can even plait up your hair and clip in your extensions!

So, ladies, browse around Youtube for other clips as you can also make clip-in bangs etc. You can also wear clip-ins as a full head application (that is braiding your full head and clipping in your extensions). The possibilities are virtually endless so go on and have some fun with it!

* Clip-ins are meant to last a very long time so when choosing extension be sure to use those of good quality that are sure to last as long as you hope for. 
* In the videos, they often double the weave before sewing onto the clip. However, for those with thinner hair (like myself) you may want to stitch one layer onto the lower holes and the other layer in the top holes. This will reduce the bulkiness for thin hair.
* Regular needle and regular black thread are just as effective as weave threads and needles. Don't go buying unnecessary things.

Enjoy x

PS - don't forget to talk back to me if you have done these before or if you plan to do so after reading this post!

**March 2013 Update** 

I made a new set of clip ins. These are a full head of clip ins. I plaited most of my hair leaving out enough to blend as well as a bang in the front. I used an inexpensive curly weave which I can easily clip in when I want to put a pretty face on when I have a date or something to that effect. 

Once you have the patience to sew the clips you will get along fine. I still love me some clip ins but the sewing really got to me this time around :D  I was also stitching them three wefts to each clip. My clips has three layers of holes and I stitched a weft on each so it took me a little while. But I love the end results. These are for my 27th Bday night out on April 2nd *yay me* :)

Here they are! xx (excuse the different shades. I was playing around in Photoshop...but you get the picture!)

6# pieces of 10"  wet & wavy weave

3# wefts each to give maximum body


  1. You look lovely on your hair extension Nix. I am also planning on getting my hair extended this coming 3rd week. Keep on posting, love following your post!

    1. Thank you, Kaye! Enjoy your hair extension when you do them and thanks for following x

  2. Hair extensions are very popular and really useful today in order to achieve the look and style that you want.

    1. Yes, hair extensions are extremely popular; but clip-in extensions are not as popular as regualr sewn or glued-in extensions. Clip-ins are by far my fav now and I am tetllign everyone I know about them!

  3. Hi,
    Very nice hair And hair extensions are extremely popular.I like this type of blog.
    Really, I appreciate with your blog.All the best.
    Thanking You
    hair clip in extension

    1. You're very welcomed. And thank you for reading :)

  4. As long as you are using the correct products and taking care of your hair extensions properly, you should be able to wear extensions for years and years. You may have to get longer ones as your hair grows longer.

  5. I have gone through your post and I can say as long as you are using the correct products and taking care of your Clip in Hair Extensions properly, you should be able to wear extensions for a long time. We need a plan for it.

    Thanks for your post.

    Anna Marie Price
    Cardiff, United Kingdom.

    1. Thanks for reading! I am about to make a new set of clip ins for my birthday. I'll be going for a loose body wave in about 14" or 18". I may choose to braid most of my hair and then clip the extensions in. We will see =)

  6. Your hair extensions look great on you! It suits you very well. Thank you for sharing your tips and references on how to wear and take care of clip-in hair extensions. I actually plan on getting one soon too although I’m still considering which type to get. It seems like the clip-in ones are the most recommended.

    Elnora Touchstone

    1. Hi Elnora! Thanks for stopping by and so happy you found my post useful! Clip ins are awesome as they will last much longer than a sew-in but half the fun is making them yourself! Hope you give it a try :)

  7. Most human hair extensions can be treated as real hair, albeit more gently. Since human hair extensions are usually heavily processed to achieve uniform color and texture, a mild shampoo is recommended, along with a light conditioner to reduce tangling.

  8. The caliber of collection that you are providing is but marvelous.
    clip hair extensions human hair


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